Primitive Carved Stone Mask. Sourced in North Carolina. 2 lbs 6.3 oz. In my research to identify this piece I asked a company that specializes in masks their opinion and this is what they told me. The repairs on the mask may indicate it has a history and that the hole in the forehead could be decorative or functional. Gray oval face mask with 3D features that are raised above the background like the eyes and the nose. The eyes are circular, the nose is large and triangular but rather flat, and there is a large carved hole in the forehead. The eyes, nose, mouth, and side of the face have a black paint on them. On the left side of the cheek there is a blemish in the material in an oval shape that shows the seam edge. Some of the edge is smooth with the rest of the mask and some is visible. On the reverse side of the mask in that same area there is a small patch of the same material the mask is made of and it is fixed in there. Remnants of perhaps glue can be seen at the bottom of that patch. There is also a mark in red that says D00 on the reverse side. You can see this was made by someone with multiple tools. There are little vertical scratch marks made by a small tool on the front where it is not smooth. On the reverse you can see the bulk of the material was shaped by a tool like a chisel. The surface of the mask is smooth and lustrous and is grainy with a white cast in others around the chin area.