Category Archives: fantastic

Fantastic Gemstone Ibis Thoth figurine, Egyptian Ibis bird, God Thoth Ibis form

Fantastic Gemstone Ibis Thoth figurine, Egyptian Ibis bird, God Thoth Ibis formEgyptian god Thoth, the god of knowledge and wisdom statue with Egyptian scarab for protection, handmade with natural Gemstones (lapis lazuli, turquoise stone, agate stone, coral stone). A unique antique you will never find it anywhere ; replica like the Original one! Ancient sculpture […]

Fantastic Model Margh Fanstoys Ultra Magnus

Fantastic Egyptian Cat BASTET GODDESS of Protection with the Scarab & the wings

Fantastic Egyptian Cat BASTET GODDESS of Protection with the Scarab & the wingsYour Amazing Egyptian kitty (BASTET GODDESS) of protection and good luck with the scarab spreading the wings of protection and with the fantastic old touching made from natural Basalt stone, specially made for you. BASTET is your Egyptian Amazing Kitty GODDESS for protection […]

Fantastic Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet Statue 24 Inches

Fantastic Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet Statue 24 InchesYour amazing large statue of the Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet goddess of war wearing the sun disk with the cobra for protection to protect you, made from Basalt stone with amazing hand carving and Fantastic Egyptian touching, specially made for you. A unique piece you will never find it anywhere. […]